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So to start trading, at the home page of the app, when you look down, you’ll see Quantitative.

quantitative setting

Click on it and choose the pair you want the app to start trading on your behalf. To check your profits, at the home page, you’ll see “Revenue”, click on it to see your daily profits.

Register an account with Royal Q

Invitation code : GB28L

After clicking on any pair, you should see something like the image below.

royal q trade settings

This is where you configure the trade setting that the robot is going to trade with. 

Please, it is very important that you understand that your trade setting only works with the capital you’re trading with. 

Someone trading with $100 is going to have a different trade setting with someone trading with $1000 or $10,000. 

But I’ll try to break it down as much as possible so everyone can understand how the settings work. 

To start trading, you’ll need to click on the trade setting and after that, you’ll see something like the image below. 

royal q bot trade settings

As you can see from above we have: 

  • First Buy In Amount 
  • Open Position Doubled 
  • Margin Call Limit
  • Whole Position Take Profit Ratio
  • Whole Position Take Profit Callback
  • Margin Configuration 
  • Buy In Callback

#1. First Buy-In Amount

This is the amount you’re going to start the trade with depending on your trading capital and the total number of margin calls (Numbers of deep you’re going to be buying when the coin decrease after you enter the trade).

It’s very important that you don’t make your ‘First Buy In Amount’ your total capital. 

If my trade capital is around $100 I can decide to make my ‘first buy-in amount’ to be $10 or $20 depending on the numbers of margin calls I’ll be making

More on this later… 

#2. Open Position Doubled  

This simply means you’re going to be buying double of any market you entered. This will simply double your first buy in amount and as well as margin calls you’ll be buying. 

But it’s not recommended. So why setting up your trade I won’t recommend you tick the box. It’s not needed!

#3. Margin Call Limit 

The margin call limit simply means the total numbers of DEEP you want the BOT to buy when there’s a drop in market after you’ve entered the trade. 

You should understand the “Margin Call Limit” if you’re familiar with what’s referred to as Dollar Cost Averaging (DCA)

DCA is simply referred to as a strategy whereby you invest a total sum of money in small increments over time instead of all your capital at once. 

The goal here is to take advantage of market downturns without risking too much capital at any given time. 

If the price of an asset drops during the time you are dollar-cost averaging, then you stand to make a profit if the price moves back up.

So the total number of “Margin Call Limit” you set means the total number of times you’ll be buying the coin based on the percentage drops. 

#4. Whole Position Take Profit Ratio 

After entering the trade, this is the position you want the BOT to take profit for you. The default setting is always around 1.3%. 

But based on your preference you can always increase or decrease it as you wish. This means the robot will sell for you automatically after the set percentage has been reached. 

#5. Whole Position Take Profit Callback

The whole position take profit callback is the trigger for your take profit. When your profit percentage is reached, it doesn’t sell immediately. 

But when there’s a slight decrease and it hits the percentage set, it’s going to sell and take profit for you automatically. 

#6. Margin Configuration

royal q margin configuration

This configuration indicates the amount of deep you’re going to be buying based on the percentage drops. 

Take for example if your trading capital is $100 with a $10 first buy-in amount and you’re using 4 margin calls like the image above. 

This means your first call is 1 time at 3.5% market deep. That is, when the coin you’re trading drops by 3.5%, the robot will buy an extra 1 time at the “First Buy-In Amount” of $10. ($10 x 1 = $10) 

Looking at the second call on the image above… we have 4% and 2 times. This means when the coin drops further by 4%, the robot will buy 2 extra at your “first buy-in amount” price. 

That will be $10 x 2 = $20. The same thing goes for the rest of the margin calls.

Register an account with Royal Q

Invitation code : GB28L

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